Yattendon Reading Every Day Challenge
Here at Yattendon we base everything we do on our Shared Vision. One of the branches of our Shared Vision is our focus on ‘Basic Skills’ and some children were rewarded for their efforts in their Basic Skills at our Trophy Assembly last week. This week I would like to tell you about a new challenge we would like to extend to all our children: Yattendon Reading Every Day Challenge Can your child read at least 5 times a week for 15 minutes? Can they do this every week this term? Here at Yattendon we really believe that reading is so very important! And with your help, we want to introduce the Yattendon Reading Every Day Challenge. As part of this challenge we will celebrate every child who reads at home at least 5 times a week for the whole term. Those who achieve this important feat will be awarded a certificate to celebrate their hard work at the end of the term. We will also be inviting them to a special hot chocolate and biscuits break time with Mr Perkins and Mrs Bienkowski after the Easter holidays. To be successful, all your child needs to do is to read for 15 minutes at least 5 times a week and then bring in their reading diary on a Monday morning detailing the book(s), page numbers that have been read as well as an adult’s signature. Teachers will compile weekly lists and those children who bring in their reading diaries every week will go forward to the big prize at the end of the term! Please do not worry if your child is ill. We have asked that teachers make special consideration if children have been away. We love reading at Yattendon and we really hope to harvest a love for reading for each and every child in our school. Thank you very much for your encouragement and your support. Reading is the single biggest factor that makes a difference to every child’s academic and social outcomes.