English as an Additional Language (EAL)
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
We recognise and value the home languages and backgrounds of the pupils who are learning English as an additional language. We strongly believe that children should be proud of the languages they speak and we celebrate and recognise the diversity that we have within our school.
The term “EAL” is used to describe a diverse group of learners who speak English as an Additional Language and are exposed to another language. Other terms that are used for EAL students are ‘ESL’ (English as a Second Language) and ‘bilingual’. It is more inclusive to use ‘EAL’ and ‘multilingual’; English could be a third or fourth language for some children, rather than a second.
At Yattendon we recognise that pupils learning English as an additional language (EAL) share many common characteristics with pupils whose first language is English and have similar needs to those of other children and young people learning in schools. However, these pupils also have distinct and different needs from other pupils by virtue of the fact that they are learning in and through an additional language, whilst also learning that language. In addition, they come from cultural backgrounds and communities with different understandings and expectations of education, language and learning.
At Yattendon we support EAL learners through:
- Support with transition in which peers play a central role in supporting and facilitating integration for new pupils. Group work also supports EAL learners in class.
- Communicating effectively with home to improving the outcomes of EAL learners and support new families to be part of the school community.
- Ensure the learner understands what to do for their home learning tasks.
- Make class letters/school information accessible through the use of clear language and short sentences. Use multilingual staff to interpret if necessary.
- Using specific resources and manipulatives such as books and dictionaries in other languages and vocabulary resources and visual prompts. It’s important to get to know each individual learner so you can guide him or her to the right resources.
- Seeking support from external agencies in Surrey such as Race Equality and Minority Service (REMA).
Additionally, EAL learners can have a range of cognitive skills and aptitude for language. It’s possible for an EAL pupil to struggle with diagnosed (or undiagnosed) learning difficulties, including dyslexia, ADD/ADHD or a motor skills difficulty like dyspraxia. English is a particularly tricky language for learners with dyslexia to master given its irregularities.
It is crucial to develop confidence for an EAL pupil to develop and be successful and be aware of their specific individual needs.
If you require further information or support for your child, please contact: Katrina Pirt or Kirsty Morgan (Assistant Heads and SEND Leaders)