Safeguarding and Online Safety
Safeguarding Policies
Safeguarding Children at Yattendon School
Yattendon School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
This means that we have a Child Protection Policy and procedures in place which we refer to in our prospectus. All staff (including supply staff, volunteers and governors) must ensure that they are aware of these procedures. Parents, carers and all stakeholders are welcome to read the Policy which can be found on the school website in the School Policy folder in the school foyer, or on request from the school office.
Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with his/her parents/carers first unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare.
Our Designated Safeguarding Leader (DSL) is Ruth Bienkowski (Deputy Head)
In her absence the Deputy DSLs are:
Guy Perkins (Head Teacher), Karen Burgess (Home School Link Worker),
and Kirsty Morgan (Assistant Head Teacher).
Online Safety
The world is becoming increasingly 'virtual' with the internet connecting people in a wide range of arena through a number of different device types. Just as we aim to keep children safe when in our immediate care we should aim to monitor their use of the internet and ensure they are enjoying the rich range of resources in a safe and controlled manner. This is known as 'Online Safety or E-Safety' which can be defined in a number of ways. One such definition is "E-Safety is about utilising information and communication technologies in a safe and responsible way. It is mainly concerned with the safeguarding of young people in the digital world and making sure they feel safe when accessing new technology. It is can be associated with websites such as Facebook, Bebo, Twitter, msn and any other social networks"
Useful E-Safety Websites - A non-profit making organisation working directly with children, parents and teachers to ensure that the issues of online child protection and children’s safe and positive use of the internet are addressed. - The Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre has set up its own edcational website which has been designed and written specifically for children, young people, teachers, parents and carers. - A beginners guide to using the Internet safety, including a quiz and some video tutorials about how to ‘stay safe’ on-line. Kidsmart is an award winning internet safety website for parents and those working with children. It has been developed by the children's internet charity Childnet International and has excellent information on many of the technologies used by children, with guidance on how to ‘stay safe’ online. - One in five young people have experienced bullying by text message or via email. This web site gives advice for children and parents on bullying. - Vodafone have developed this website in conjunction with mumsnet. It is very accessible and provides information and guidance to parents with understanding their child’s digital world and get more involved. There is even an on-line test to see how much you know! - Lots of guidance and articles for parents about keeping their children safe online.
Teaching safety in the Curriculum
3 | Autumn | SMSC – Stay Safe | Stranger Danger – PCSO Surrey Police |
Summer | SMSC – Pedestrian Training | How to be a safe pedestrian | |
Autumn | Computing – Internet Safety | How to stay safe online. | |
Summer | SMSC - Bullying | Same but different | |
Summer | SRE Curriculum | ||
4 | Autumn | Computing – Internet Safety | How to stay safe online. |
Spring | SMSC – Electrical Safety | Electricity EDF Energy Talk | |
Spring | SMSC – Bulling, Opinions and stereotypes | Stereotypes | |
Summer | SRE Curriculum | ||
5 | Autumn | Computing – Internet Safety | How to stay safe online. |
Autumn | SMSC – Laws | Why & how laws are made & enforced. | |
Autumn & Summer | SMSC – Bullying | The consequences of racism, teasing, bullying and aggressive behaviour. | |
Spring | SMSC – Rules | School rules about health & safety, emergency procedure & getting help. | |
Summer | SMSC - Drugs | RIDE drugs programme. | |
Summer | SRE Curriculum | ||
6 | Autumn | Computing – Internet Safety | How to stay safe online. |
Autumn | SMSC – Rights | Individual and common rights. | |
Autumn | SMSC – Bullying | The consequences of racism, teasing, bullying and aggressive behaviour. | |
Spring | SMSC – Health | Mental health, informed choices about lifestyle. | |
Summer | SMSC - Drugs | Legal & Illegal substances & drugs. | |
Summer | SRE Curriculum |
Please come and talk to members of the staff if you ever have any questions about how to best keep your child safe or if you are concerned about the safety of any member of our school community.