Positive Behaviour
At Yattendon we utilise the 'Pivotal' approach to behaviour and have three school rules:
'Be Ready, Be Respectful and Be Safe'
We feel that having three rules, alongside a solid understanding of what behaviours we expect, ensures that all members of our school community know and follow our rules.
We reward children for demonstrating behaviours that are beyond what is expected of them on a daily basis. For example, we would expect a child to pick up their own coat or their own piece of litter; however, if we see them hanging up class-mates' coats or picking up other people's litter then that is beyond expectations.
Every week, a different class is given the responsibility of observing and judging the behaviour of the whole school. The children take this role very seriously and look forward to sharing their behaviour report in our Friday assembly. They provide detailed and honest feedback about what has gone well and what needs to be improved for the following week and then ultimately make the judgement about whether the school behaviour has been graded bronze, silver or gold.
They have to consider the following areas when writing their behaviour report:
- Staying safe at the start and end of school – showing particular attention to safety when in school and leaving school
- Moving through the corridors safely and sensibly – not running or making too much noise
- Playing in the appropriate areas and not hurting others
- Helping someone in the playground – they might be left out; having a friendship issue or injured
- Lunchtime – sensible behaviour at lunch and at the hatch and making sure you share equipment and respect equipment
- End of break and lunchtime – doing the right thing and making sure that you are standing still and silently
- Assembly – entering the hall quietly, making sure you sit beautifully during the assembly and then leaving quietly
- Children listening to the Play Leaders and taking part in games
- Learning powers (sharing ideas, concentration, problem solving and reflection) being shown in classrooms and around the school
- Values being shown across the school
If a class see 9 or 10 of these great behaviours then the school will be awarded 'Gold'!
If a class see 6, 7 or 8 elements of these behaviours then the school will be awarded 'Silver'.
If a class see 5 or less examples of this behaviour then the school will be awarded 'Bronze'.