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Yattendon School

Inspire. Persevere. Achieve.

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  • Responsibility


Mathematics at Yattendon School

At Yattendon School, we use White Rose Maths to plan and teach our lessons and frame our teaching within the ‘Mastery Model’.  This means we scaffold learning for all pupils and spend time enriching learning and understanding rather than accelerating too quickly through learning.

A yearly overview for each year group suggests the teaching time needed for every block of learning. The Autumn, Spring and Summer sections are split equally into 12 weeks comprising 11 weeks of blocks followed by a week of consolidation.

Because the Autumn term often exceeds 12 weeks, teachers might choose to spend longer on the Autumn topics to fully embed them.

The termly overviews show the objectives for each block. These objectives derive directly from the National Curriculum. Where an objective includes bold and underlined text, only the bold and underlined part of the objective is covered in the block; the rest of the objective is covered elsewhere within the scheme.

The objectives in each block are broken down into a series of carefully planned small steps. Teachers teach the content in the suggested order as the step sequence is designed to gradually develop children’s understanding.

As highlighted in the National Curriculum, all children must be able to access fluency, reasoning and problem solving. It’s therefore essential that we as teachers provide the support needed for every child to reason and problem solve.


For a more detailed breakdown of your child's learning objectives please click on the following link: