Greensand Multi-Academy Trust
Yattendon School became an Academy and member of Greensand Multi Academy Trust (GMAT)on June 1st 2024. This followed consultation with parents and carers and a period of time in which we were Associate Members of GMAT.
Being an academy with strong links with nine other local schools gives us the opportunity to share ideas and expertise through the collaborative work we do. Eight other schools within the Trust have primary phase children and this means there is a large bank of resource we can access to the benefit of our children.
Greensand MAT has grown to ten schools in total this year and is governed by a leadership structure that includes a CEO, Sue Wardlow, and a group of Trustees. Sue is supported by a strong cental team who take responsibility for finance, HR and school improvement. This provides considerable additional support to our school and enables us to focus to an even greater extent on the quality of education we are providing our children.
Greensand MAT was specifically chosen by our governing body as the right fit for Yattendon School. The Trust recognises the importance of nurturing successful schools, respectful of their unique characteristics and the community they serve. Their aim - to help children step into their greatness - aligns strongly with the vision we hold dear to us. We are passionate about providing a rich curriculum and learning experience so that every child finds an interest and a talent that enables them to gain a sense of self-worth and achievement.
All Greensand schools are committed to the principle of inclusion, supporting children with a variety of needs. We believe that a diverse community enriches the lives of all its members.
To find out more about Greensand MAT, please click on the link below.
FAQs relating to associate membership of Greensand Multi-Academy Trust
Q: How many schools currently make up Greensand?
A: There are now ten schools including Reigate Secondary School, Dovers Green Infant School (Reigate), Epsom Downs Primary School (Banstead), Holmesdale Infant School (Reigate), Horley Infant School (Horley), Kingswood Primary School (Lower Kingswood), Milton Mount School (Crawley), St John's Primary (Redhill), Wray Common School (Reigate) and Yattendon School (Horley).
Q: How is the Trust led?
A: The Trust publishes a 'scheme of delegation' setting out the decision-making responsibilities of Greensand Trustees, the CEO and (local) school boards. School boards are similar to governing bodies. The existence of local boards within Greensand ensure that the specific needs of schools are represented so that decisions made centrally can take fully account of the specific circumstances of individual schools.
5th March 2024
Please see the letter to parents and carers together with the consultation report below.