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Cost of living support

Family Support For The Cost Of Living

With the cost of living pressures being felt by families across the community we have listed some useful webpages that may be able support families during this difficult time.


Health and Welfare Support

School uniform if you are worried about school uniform costs, please contact Karen Burgess our Home School Link Worker to see if there is anything school can do to help.  You can also look at the Family Information service who provide suggestions and services that can support. 



Horley Food Bank - is staffed by volunteers from the local churches and provides food and toiletries to those suffering a short-term crisis. Horley Food Bank offers support to anyone in need regardless of background including age, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, disability, people of all faiths and none.  If you would like to be referred to the Horley Food Bank please contact our Home School Link Worker – Karen Burgess

If you require more information please visit their website Home (


Stripey Stork – is a Surrey baby bank that collects donations of clothes, toys and essential items for babies and children and then re-homes them with local families experiencing hardship.  For a referral to Stripey Stork please contact our Home School Link Worker – Karen Burgess

For more information about Stripey Stork please visit their website Home - Stripey Stork


Tax-free childcare – up to £2000 a yaer of tax-free childcare is available to help lower costs.  Check the following website to see if you are eligible


Universal Credit Advice – Supports you if you are on a low income or out of work by providing you with a monthly payment to help with your living costs.  Visit and search ‘understanding universal credit’ or call 0800 328 5644 or textphone 0800 328 1344  (Mon – Fri, 8am – 6pm)


Citizens Advice – can give you free advice on benefits and other financial support online, by phone or in person.  Visit for advice and find your local branch. 

Call 0800 144 8848


Help with managing finances – FREE, confidential money help that is quick, easy to use and backed by the Government.  Visit


Warm hubs – places within the local community where people can enjoy a safe, warm and friendly environment in which to enjoy a hot drink, social activity, and receive information and advice.

This is particularly beneficial to residents in hard to heat homes, those who are isolated, or those worried about their energy bills.

Visit or call 0300 200 1008



Sustainable warmth grant – funding to make your home warmer and more energy efficient which will help lower bills.  This is for residents with a household income of less than £30,000

Visit or call 0800 783 2503


Mindworks Surrey – A mental health and wellbeing service for children and young people.  This service is available to all children and young people in Surrey, aged 5-18.

Please visit       For those in crisis, call 0800 915 4644


Healthy Surrey – Info mation and advice to help you stay well.  Find self-help tips and services for yourself, or a child, friend or relative.  Visit


NHS Mental Health crisis support – A local helpline for you to speak to a member of staff if you’ve reached breaking point.  This support is available for children and adults.

Call the crisis helpline, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 0800 915 4644 or text 07717 989 024


Surrey County Council also have an online support hub which looks at Financial Support, Welfare Support and Health and Mental Wellbeing.

There is also a community helpline number 0300 200 1008