Residents Forum
Last week, Horley Infant School and Yattendon School jointly held a Residents’ Forum. This was a very constructive evening and the forty or so residents that came along agreed that a vast majority of parents park safely and considerately in the local roads when dropping and picking up their children. Some expressed frustration that cars can sometimes block their driveway leaving them with no idea how long they will be stuck unable to use their cars. Some solutions to parking issues were discussed, including measures to stop long-term parking for the airport and railway station—freeing up parking for parents. I will write to you again when some proposals have been put together. In the meantime, can I remind those who occasionally park on double-yellow lines or zig-zag lines that this puts children’s safety at risk. We have already experienced one accident in the school’s recent history as a result of a parent stopping on double-yellow lines to drop off their child. No parent would want an injured child on their conscience. Thank you for your support with this.