Remote Learning - Daily Deadline Pushed Back
Our teachers have received the feedback you gave in the remote learning survey and some of the items you brought to our attention are already being addressed, particularly if it was issues around technology or more personal problems with motivation or your particular child’s experience with home learning. Year groups are meeting together to look at their feedback and work on strategies to keep improving our remote learning offer.
One item that came up was the deadline for the end of the day. Some people like this, some people don’t! The first reason we put in a deadline for 3.30pm was to give the children a feeling of ‘the end of the school day’ so that they didn’t feel that they had to be doing school work later than that. Some parents and carers have also reported that it helps their child with motivation. Another reason for the deadline is so that our teachers can mark and feedback in a timely manner and so that they can plan the following day’s lesson with the learning from that day in mind - you might have seen that teachers often comment on yesterday’s learning or pick up on misconceptions and mistakes so that they can correct and address them. We are very happy to reset the submission deadline for 4:00pm. Please understand that if your child hands in a piece of work after this, they will not be penalised but the work might not be marked until the following day. We are fully aware of the immense pressure some families are under when adults are working from home and children are learning at home and always seek to smooth the path as much as we can whilst maintaining the high expectations we always have for your children and their learning. Please encourage your children to submit work as soon as it is completed, rather than wait until later in the day. Thank you.