Message from the FOY
Thank you to all those who came along to the coffee morning this morning. It was nice to put names to new faces. We will not bombard you with requests for help but even help at one event per year would be fabulous.
We have now arranged our AGM which we have annually. This is going to be held in the new library area on
Wednesday 28th September 2016 at 7.30pm. Please come along if you are interested in what the FOY do or if you have any ideas for fundraising for us.
We are also really interested to hear from anyone who is employed by a company that fund-match. We have had a couple of parents and carers in recent years whose companies have fund-matched events and it only involves a small amount of paperwork. At the Summer Fair we managed to get an extra thousand pounds or thereabouts just from fund-matching. Unfortunately these parents no longer have children at the school, so we're really keen to hear from any new help.